Amazing Women
Mukilteo Mission Team selling olive oil for Palestine
The amazing women (and men) of the Mukileto Presbyterian Church Mission Team have done it again. In three Alternative Christmas Markets since 2012, they have raised over $1500 to support women's microloans in Palestine.
Their 2013 gift helped fund the Deir Ballout Women's Center restoration project. Their 2014 gift means a Palestinian woman will be able to start her own business this year. When a woman succeeds, her whole family succeeds.
The mission team - three of whom are pictured above - have done all this selling Canaan Fair Trade Rumi olive oil at their astonishingly popular Market the first two Sundays in November. As Heidi Saikaly says for the group, "it is a special joy and privilege to know that these funds will provide for micro grants for Palestinian women's cooperatives".
Thanks to Lilo Lamerdin for starting and coordinating the sale of Palestinian fair trade olive oil in Mukilteo WA, and thanks to all the members of the church family..