Projects in Palestine
Trees for Life is a PFTA program that facilitates the planting of thousands of olive and almond trees in Palestine annually. Priority for the trees goes to small farmers, young farmers, women farmers and farmers who have lost trees to the occupation. .
You can plant an olive tree AND advocate for Palestinian freedom with our friends at the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
You can receive a personalized certificate to present. Trees make great gifts that give twice - to your loved one and to a Palestinian farm family!
Women's Empowerment program funds entrepreneurial artisan women by supporting entrepreneurial projects, providing them with equipment and training and a market to succeed. For many women, this is their first economic opportunity.
Your gift will help women in Palestine to succeed and take ownership of their cuisine and culture. You support their economic growth and leadership in their local community and market.
PFTA is reviving the Palestinian agricultural heritage of sustainable methods farmers in Palestine have cultivated for generations using ancient native seeds and biodiversity practices that help to ensure food security:
They plant a diversity of trees and crops with Palestinian farmers for income and most importantly, more roots in the ground. The interaction of trees and shrubs combined with crops and livestock is agroforestry, and it preserves and enhances the soil.
Their Organic Seed Bank gives landrace (ancient native) seeds to new leader farmers who will benefit from them, and then restock the seed bank for the next group of farmers.