Planting Roots with Your Tree Saplings!
The PFTA has been distributing tree saplings since early January. To date around 34,000 olive and almond trees are in Palestinian farmers' hands!
Some farmers planted immediately; others waited for the rains to come. All these trees are in the ground now!
Plus, another 4000 irrigated almond trees will be distributed in May. This is a new CORE/PFTA initiative to attempt improving the yield of organic almonds.
This is a good year in Palestine — 38,000 new trees!
Trees for Life, an ongoing project and one of our largest to date in Palestine includes:
Two year old organic saplings are grown in a nursery in Jalame village
Farmers apply for trees to a committee of the PFTA
Once accepted, preparation of their ground for the trees
Holes dug and a plan to water
All hands on deck! - staff from Canaan Palestine and the PFTA load the trees on trucks and deliver to the villages
Happy farmers, lots of smiles. olive trees are like new family members to a farm family
Trees for Life gives trees to small farmers, young farmers, and women farmers. Priority also goes to those who have lost trees to the Israeli occupation. This year, the PFTA is providing 1500 - 2000 extra saplings to farmers in the Deir Ballut/Salfit area. In January, Israeli bulldozers uprooted more than 3000 olive trees there. They were three to ten years old. The PFTA had planted the three year old trees as part of Trees for Life. They will be replaced.
Together, we keep Palestine alive. Thank you for planting olive trees in Palestine!