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Peace Corps for Palestine
CRPCA is an association of returned Peace Corps volunteers living in the Portland, Oregon area. They are committed to ideals of service and community, at home and abroad. We thank them for believing in this project in Palestine..
Small change, big impact
You can support projects in Palestine with your spare change! The Land of Canaan Foundation has partnered with CaringCent to make it easy.
Farming your own land is a superb form of non-violent resistance to occupation. Respected journalist Jonathan Cook writes that centuries of cultivation of the olive tree has rooted Palestinians to the soil as deeply as their trees.

Ahlan wa Sahlan
The House of Fair Trade in the old city of Jenin is ready for a few more centuries of use! The PFTA wanted to make better use of their centuries-old headquarters…

Battir village
Battir village in the Bethlehem district of Palestine is a World Heritage Site for its amazing agricultural terraces and irrigation systems that are over 2000 years old and still in use to this day.

Water is a human right
Water is a human right, a basic need, the UN recognized in 2010. Yet every summer, water to Palestinian villages is cut off for days and weeks while illegal settlements are not affected.
Palestine’s almonds
The Guardian sustainable business section: Organic almonds sow hope in Palestine.
Really help Palestine
We have a goal of building an independent Palestinian economy. This means addressing international aid and questions of dependency versus self reliance, and connecting aid with the struggle for national liberation and human rights.

Reusing Water in Jenin
Farmers in Jenin have formed the first water cooperative in the West Bank. The program will benefit 240 farming families in need of better irrigation methods for their land. There is a water crisis in the West Bank under the occupation.

A Manufactured Poverty
Imagine what Palestinian farmers can do when they are free and not living under the manufactured poverty of military occupation.