Beehives for Palestine
Honeybees and almonds in Palestine are inseparable
Almonds are a high value crop for Palestinian farmers, with a demand that makes them equal to olives in value. Honeybees and almond trees have become inseparable for the most efficient and organic method of pollination. You help by supplying bees for Palestinian farmers.
40 farmer beneficiaries were chosen by a committee from CORE and the PFTA in the first phase of this project. Our farmers discovered not everyone was suited for beekeeping. Now CORE both contracts with master beekeepers to supply seasonal beehives to almond farmers, or trains farmers as beekeepers and supplies the beehives and equipment. Both solutions - the farmer decides which is best for him - aim to reach the recommended saturation of 1-3 hives per 4 dunums for 100% pollination of almonds. Update on the Pollination project.
The resulting pollination of their crops has the same positive impact on farmer livelihood whether they keep their own bees or rent them. This leads to additional beneficiaries - the master beekeepers who are developing a pollination business in addition to their honey business. All this improves more lives in farming communities and helps support an independent Palestinian economy.
Your gifts go farther now. The rental bees can increase the reach of the program to more farmers, resulting in higher pollination of almonds, which results in higher tree production, higher quality, and higher revenue. Farmers keeping bees will harvest high nutrition honey for their families, and selling the excess will be an additional source of income for their families.