Regenerative model farmer program
Intercropping fava beans under olives in Palestine
Every PFTA farmer received a four page article detailing all the regenerative agriculture principles including: intercropping, grazing animals, composting, no till or fertilizer. Following these will keep their land and cultural traditions intact.
Regenerative organic agriculture rebuilds soil organic matter and restores its biodiversity. It sequesters carbon in the soil, taking it out of the air, and stopping further climate damage. This soil is resilient to climate change. It has improved soil water retention. This increases yields, resulting in higher health and vitality for farming communities.
Regenerative farming principles include:
intercropping with a variety of perennial crops
properly managed grazing animals
no tilling or fertilizing
CORE is a farmer driven national center for research, education and extension activities. The main researchers are the Palestinian farmers themselves.
CORE has Model Farmers who follow the principles of regenerative organic agriculture. These farms are research and training sites benefiting a greater number of farmers. These farmers run experiments in their fields. They transfer their knowledge to other farmers, supported by CORE research and extension staff.
You would be most welcome to visit them in Palestine and see the results of your support on their farms and on their lives.