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Peace Corps for Palestine
CRPCA is an association of returned Peace Corps volunteers living in the Portland, Oregon area. They are committed to ideals of service and community, at home and abroad. We thank them for believing in this project in Palestine..
Small change, big impact
You can support projects in Palestine with your spare change! The Land of Canaan Foundation has partnered with CaringCent to make it easy.

Amazing Women
The amazing women (and men) of the Mukileto Presbyterian Church Mission Team fundraise selling Palestinian Fair Trade olive oil. "It is a special joy and privilege to know that these funds will provide micro grants for Palestinian women's cooperatives."

Jimmy Buffett, Canaan Fair Trade?
Canaan Fair Trade received a full page ad in the Green America National Green Pages thanks to the generosity of Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Store in Key West, Florida, and Sunshine Smith. Canaan was honored for promoting a fair and just supply chain for olive oil.
Scott Kennedy comes home
Scott had a profound commitment to peace in Palestine, combined with a joy of life, and we miss him fiercely. Now he has come back to Palestine.