Peacock Eye disease report
Peacock Eye disease is truly scary…
Peacock Eye disease is a fungus that attacks healthy olive trees and is widespread in the Mediterranean. It causes defoliation, reduced crop production, and deterioration of tree limbs.
In 2017, CORE trained over 100 farmers and national extension agents in pruning and organic management of this fungal disease, which is the most widely spread olive disease in Palestine.
Even though most of the olive cultivars in Palestine are susceptible to Peacock Eye, the disease had been kept in balance through good agricultural practices of traditional Palestinian farmers. However, the disease can spread quickly under occupation where restrictions on farmers' mobility affect their ability to provide regular care and tending to their olive trees.
Peacock Eye disease - its symptoms, causes and spread - were the subject of Masters degree research by Tahreer Isa under CORE mentoring (funded by LOCF donors’ generosity to the CORE Scholarship Fund). She researched and evaluated pruning and treatment with copper-containing organic fungicides applied correctly at the right time in the growing cycle.
Workshops: CORE implemented a series of 5 workshops where Tahreer could present her research results to affected farmers and other stakeholders. Four workshops targeted villages with the disease (Asira, Yaabad, Kfor-raee and Ajja) for a total of 97 farmers. The fifth workshop was held at the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) and targeted researchers, extension agents and other olive specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and other nongovernmental organizations. Those 17 attendees will spread the findings nationally to farmers and other interested stakeholders.
Thanks to our LOCF donors who have supported the Peacock Eye Disease workshops, CORE's Scholarship Fund and the 2016 Olive Pruning Workshop. They are all interconnected:
In 2016 CORE organized a workshop with theoretical and practical training on olive pruning presented by Italian olive expert Dr. Michele Tucci. An important part of the training focused on effective olive pruning for disease management, mainly peacock eye.
Tahreer's research brought scientific evidence on the need for pruning for its effect in fighting peacock eye disease in olives. So Tahreer's workshops were implemented with reference to Dr. Tucci's training, supported the farmers knowledge and skills, and increased their involvement in research with CORE.
LOCF donors not only funded the Peacock Eye workshops, their gifts to the CORE Scholarship Fund supported Tahreer's Masters thesis research on Peacock Eye disease, and their donations funded the 2016 Olive Pruning workshop where effective pruning for disease management was covered.
You can see how interrelated all your efforts are in Palestine. We could mention the many many olive trees LOCF donors have planted over the years with Trees for Life, and you have joined a complete circle!
Leaflet on Peacock Eye disease for national distribution: