Green Track Palestine
Green Track Palestine converted tractors to run on used falafel oil
Green Track Palestine was a grassroots campaign to convert Palestinian farmers' tractors to run on vegetable oil, specifically used falafel oil which is plentiful in the Palestinian market.
Converted tractors are environmentally responsible, support a renewable resource rather than the petrochemical industry, and free the farmers from dependence on costly fuel for a lifetime.
Thanks to your support, from 2014 to 2017 three farmers' tractors were converted to run on used falafel oil.
THE HISTORY: In March 2016, a farmer’s tractor ran on falafel oil for the first time in Palestine! Two more tractors were converted in 2016-2017. Tractor #1 is in Yabid village. Tractor #2, which was entirely funded by a generous donor from upstate NY, is in Faqu'a village. Tractor #3, which was entirely funded by Hank Kryger of WI, is in Yamoun village. Thank you!
THE GOOD: Falafel oil is a cheap source of energy that can reduce the cost of farming by 20-30%. Fuel for tractors is the second most costly item for farming after labor. A converted tractor means a lifetime of freedom from fossil fuels, one of the main reasons for global warming.
Happy farmer in Palestine!
THE BAD: Unfortunately, this project ran into a wall of bureaucratic hurdles from the Israeli authorities. The shameful occupier pays for some of their own bureaucratic departments with their fees on imports to Palestine: These simple kits were denied clearance and blocked in the Israeli port. They endured up to 4 months of Israeli holds, storage fees and broker fees, license to the Israeli ministry of transport, duty and taxes. The total cost of the kits after all this was double the initial cost.
This is an example of how simple and ordinary things become difficult or impossible to achieve under occupation. Converting tractors would be a great future project in a free Palestine!
THE FUTURE: Palestinian farmers are embracing regenerative agriculture which has been their tradition. It is not that they don't use tractors - they do - but they are discovering the advantages of no-till farming for soil health, which is the basis for all truly sustainable organic agriculture.
In response, CORE and the PFTA are directing their resources towards extension projects to equip the maximum number of Palestinian farmers with the materials they need to thrive in their traditional agricultural practices.